

Do you Need a Niche as a Personal Trainer?

Establishing Your Personal Training Niche or Target Market In the competitive field of personal training, identifying and establishing your niche or target market is essential for success. By narrowing down your focus and catering to a specific group of individuals, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract clients who resonate with your specialized...

Four hip thrust bench exercises to optimise your core

Four hip thrust bench exercises to optimise your core In this article, we look at what a hip thrust bench is, what it’s used for, and how to can exercise using one. What is a hip thrust bench? Hip thrust benches come in various styles; some are metal stands with padding. Others, like ours, are...

Nutritional Myths and Where To Find Them

Guest Post by Intake Nutrition Okay. I’m going to try and not to get too triggered, I promise.I’m not ‘triggered’ by those who believe these myths. How are you supposed to know?! And believe me, I’m not ashamed to say I’ve fallen victim to a good few of these in the past myself.I am, however,...

Adulting 101 in the Gym

Whilst Adulting in the gym may seem like common sense…And it is, we all know that one person who needs to check themselves occasionally because they are most likely completely oblivious. Oblivious being the keyword in that sentence, which is why gym etiquette is so important. Here is how you can help: Use a towel...

5 Gadgets to Help Keep You on Track at the Gym

Bose SoundSport Free Wireless Headphones £179.95 When it comes to audio for fitness, one brand of head phone seems to be cropping up a lot in 2019. The popular Bose SoundSport Free Wireless Headphones. The weather and sweat-resistant earbuds come with three different pairs of sports tips for the perfect fit and an app to...

PT Workspace Interview with Life Square Fitness

Every personal trainer begins their own journey into the fitness industry differently. Find out how experienced trainers Des & Lucas from Life Square Fitness have raised themselves up through the ranks to establish themselves as successful independent trainers together, whilst building their brand and business alongside PT Workspace. In this video, Director and studio manager...

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

Stress like mental health is not something we should shy away from, by talking about it and addressing stress head on, we can find different coping mechanisms for carrying it. Sometimes stress cannot be avoided, such as the loss of a job or the passing of a family member. These sorts of situations are ones...

The London Marathon

The London Marathon is fast approaching, and if you are lucky enough to be entered into this years 2019 race day, then the anticipation must be mounting. All your hard work will be coming to ahead on Sunday, 28 April, so now you just have to make it to race day! To help you along your...


There is a tide of change coming in the fitness industry, can you feel it? Even though there are more faddy diets, weight loss pills and magic weight loss drinks than ever before, the backlash from qualified professionals who are tied of misleading products is mounting. It sends home a message loud and clear, enough...

Periodization… Keep Your Body Guessing

Periodization… Keep Your Body Guessing Periodization is the most significant resistance training tools you can use, to break plateaus and prevent overtraining. This system of training is typically divided up into three types of cycles: microcycle, mesocycle, and macrocycle. The microcycle is generally up to 7 days. The mesocycle may be anywhere from 2 weeks to...


What is Protein? Protein makes up all the cells in your body and is vital to repairing and making cells for survival. It is important for fueling growth through youth, adolescence and pregnancy. The main component of protein is Amino acids, essential Amino acids must consume through our diet and non-essential is readily produced in...

Myth Debunking: Cardio vs Weight Training

The internet has allowed us to access information like never before, this is no secret! The issue is being able to tell what is a load of nonsense, and what information carries legitimate weight to it. The ongoing debate around cardio vs weight training is one which has been building momentum ever since having a...

Challenges You Face as a Personal Trainer

Challenges You Face as a Personal Trainer… For those of you just starting out in the fitness industry the likelihood that at some point in your career you will face these challenges is high, and for personal trainers already established it will seem as all too familiar reading this post. However once you know what...