

5 Great Reasons to Workout in the Morning

Mornings… Now they are not for everyone! A battle we all face but not everyone conquers, and as winter sets in, the harder it becomes to plant those two feet on the floor. The cosiness of bed will have you fighting your own thoughts and questioning your own sanity. But there are some great benefits...


There is a tide of change coming in the fitness industry, can you feel it? Even though there are more faddy diets, weight loss pills and magic weight loss drinks than ever before, the backlash from qualified professionals who are tied of misleading products is mounting. It sends home a message loud and clear, enough...

Periodization… Keep Your Body Guessing

Periodization… Keep Your Body Guessing Periodization is the most significant resistance training tools you can use, to break plateaus and prevent overtraining. This system of training is typically divided up into three types of cycles: microcycle, mesocycle, and macrocycle. The microcycle is generally up to 7 days. The mesocycle may be anywhere from 2 weeks to...