PT Workspace Business


They say three is a lucky number, and we could not feel luckier than to have the wonderful Holly Davidson in the studio with us, for the third installment of our PT Interview series.

Holly has been in the fitness industry for upwards of a decade and has built a solid foundation through her brand Holly Active. Joint founder of PT Workspace Nathan delves into Holly’s past, in hopes to break down her recipe for success, and explore what the future holds in the ever-changing landscape of the fitness industry.

With Special thanks to Holly for sharing her journey with us. You can find Holly’s profile under our PT Directory if you are interested in personal training also.

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.


5 Gadgets to Help Keep You on Track at the Gym

Bose SoundSport Free Wireless Headphones


When it comes to audio for fitness, one brand of head phone seems to be cropping up a lot in 2019. The popular Bose SoundSport Free Wireless Headphones. The weather and sweat-resistant earbuds come with three different pairs of sports tips for the perfect fit and an app to personalize all the sound settings. The volume-optimised EQ and Bose digital signal processing make music sound full and balanced at any volume. No matter how crowded the gym is, your workout playlist will keep you energised.

Cool Featured include a five-hour battery life and a ‘Find My Buds’ feature in case you happen to lose them during an intense gym session. When you’re done, place them in their case to recover.

Skulpt Performance Training System


Skulpt Performance Training System allows you to grab accurate data and analyze which of your muscle groups needs more attention so you can achieve peak performance. The system is capable of identifying the relative strength of 24 muscle groups in various areas of your body so you can personalize your workouts further. The App also delivers workout advice tailored to your physique and goals. 

Apple Watch Series 4


This fourth-generation Apple Watch has great coaching features, is water resistant to 50 metres and is 70% faster than previous models. Thought to be the best Apple Watch yet with ultimate usability and simple but rich fitness capabilities.

Apple has created a three-ring design. The inner ring is blue and ensures you stand at least once an hour. If you’ve been sitting, you’ll get a nudge at 50 minutes past the hour. The middle ring is green: to complete this ring you need 30 minutes of brisk exercise. The outer ring is the toughest to complete. You need to burn a number of active calories during the day. Active calories are the ones you burn in addition to, you know, breathing, eating, talking and so on. You set the target yourself but it can still be a challenge to do it seven days a week.

Fitbit Aria 2


Known for their fitness trackers Fitbit also make great bathroom scales too. But these are no ordinary scales, in addition to measuring weight it can also track an athletes percentage of body fat and calculate BMI too. The smart scale can store profiles for up to eight individuals, keeping each of the users’ data private and separate from one another. That information syncs wirelessly with a smartphone, which can be used to track trends, displaying charts and graphs that provide a clearer picture of weight loss and overall health as a result.

Beast sensor


Beast sensor streams data about strength, power or speed for each lift on your smartphone or tablet in real-time, in order to stimulate you giving the best on each training session. Being magnetic, Beast is also compatible with a variety of different weights, machines and supports bodyweight exercises too.

Following each training session, your data will be made immediately available online to review. Collecting data from your past performances
allows you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses and train better in the future.

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact

In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

personal trainer Business PT Workspace


We are officially two videos into our interview series all about the journeys taken by successful trainers, and why they choose to go it alone and establish their own businesses.

There is no one size fits all in personal training and this week we Nathan has had the pleasure of interviewing Chris Zaremba, the proud owner of Fitness over 50. Chris has an unconventional story to tell about his route into becoming a personal trainer, but one which his clients within his niche market can relate to.

To Quote Chris ‘ People know what they want, not who they want’ which has helped define him in his corner of the fitness industry.

Watch the full interview below.

With Special thanks to Chris for his time and taking part in our second of many behind the scenes interviews yet to come.

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

Fitness Business personal trainer PT Workspace

5 Top Tips to Help Market Yourself as a PT

Making or creating your own success will always be one of the most rewarding aspects of owning your own business. How you arrive at destination successville is completely up to you! Every personal trainer will have had experiences, good and bad which will have helped shape their journey. If you have time feel free to check out our latest interview series which takes an indepth look at the businesses which have continued to succeed whilst working alongside PT Workspace. For those of you just starting off or in need of some helpful options to explore within your business, then we have some top tips to get you going.


What’s your Niche?

In an industry where sometimes it’s better to be something to someone, instead of everything to everyone, having a niche can help you stand out from the crowd. Whether you choose to explore additional CPD courses such as post natal, or market to a specific gender, religion, age or group of individuals (for example: athletes) then understanding your target market in key. If finding your target market is challenging, then building a customer profile can help develop a visual representation in your mind of who you might be aiming for, you can be as detailed as you like.



In this digital age it’s important to have a presence online, clients will want to look you up and it’s a great way in which to attract online traffic to your business. Whilst having a website might be obvious as necessary for your business, building one might be slightly terrifying for those of you who may not be as tech savvy as others. Thankfully websites such as Squarespace and WordPress for a small fee have lots of templates you can personalise for a fraction of the cost, if a website builder is not within your budget.

Social Media

Now there are people who will tell you to post every day, and there are those who will say, only post when the quality of your content is at a level in which to do so (quality over quantity). However you choose to post on social make sure your profiles are professional. Whilst its great to show a little lifestyle & personality within your feed, your clients won’t want to see you buzzing on a Saturday night.

Utilise Your Location

It is known that the return rate on flyering is never usually very high, however you do not often need a high conversion rate in which to make it worth it. A personal trainer recently came to PT Workspace and alongside the support of studio manager, handed out his business card/ flyer to the local businesses surrounding the gym. Just having one client sign up, has now made his investment worth while. If designing flyers is not your thing then try sites such as Canva, which have fantastic templates to personalise for free.

It’s always worth asking if the facility in which you are working at is happy to support marketing your services. For example many gym facilities will offer an online personal trainer profile, which is another way that clients can find you.



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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training gym rental or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us Personal Training Islington and Personal Training Milton Keynes & Personal Training Harrow


Fitness Business personal trainer PT Workspace

PT Workspace Interview with Life Square Fitness

Every personal trainer begins their own journey into the fitness industry differently. Find out how experienced trainers Des & Lucas from Life Square Fitness have raised themselves up through the ranks to establish themselves as successful independent trainers together, whilst building their brand and business alongside PT Workspace.

In this video, Director and studio manager Nathan explores in detail, the challenges Des & Lucas have faced and overcome. As well as what is important to remember when launching and maintaining a successful business within an industry saturated with trainers and gyms. Listen to their top tips, brand values and what’s next in store for this duo.

With Special thanks to Life Square Fitness for their time and taking part in our first of many behind the scenes interviews yet to come.

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

Fitness personal training

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

Stress like mental health is not something we should shy away from, by talking about it and addressing stress head on, we can find different coping mechanisms for carrying it. Sometimes stress cannot be avoided, such as the loss of a job or the passing of a family member. These sorts of situations are ones which we rarely have the power to alter. However, how you choose to cope with the stress of these traumatic events, can impact the amount of stress it puts on your mind and body. Exercise will not magic your problems away, but it can give you tools in which to handle stress and here’s why…

When stressed your body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, this in turn puts your mind and body into survival mode (fight or flight). Your heart pounds faster, the muscles tighten, higher blood pressure and sharper senses. As well as impacting your feelings, senses and behaviour. Stress if left unchecked for long periods, has been linked to problems with the heart and vessels, as well as obesity and diabetes. So as you can see nothing good comes from stress and yet most of us will carry stress day to day and never address it. Here are some signs you might be stressed from the NHS.

How you may feel emotionally

How you may feel mentally

  • racing thoughts
  • constant worrying
  • difficulty concentrating
  • difficulty making decisions

How you may feel physically

How you may behave

  • drinking or smoking more
  • snapping at people
  • avoiding things or people you are having problems with

Visit the Mind website for more signs of stress

Even though exercise stresses your body releasing cortisol, by doing exercise on a regular basis you enable the hormones to decrease the amount of cortisol released in response to stressors. The more you train, the fitter you will be, and your body will become more efficient at managing the physical stress. Exercise has been proven to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve sleep

To quote Harvard Medical School

“Many forms of exercise reduce stress directly, and by preventing bodily illness, exercise has extra benefits for the mind. Regular physical activity will lower your blood pressure, improve your cholesterol, and reduce your blood sugar. Exercise cuts the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, colon and breast cancers, osteoporosis and fractures, obesity, depression, and even dementia (memory loss). Exercise slows the aging process, increases energy, and prolongs life.”

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

Fitness personal training PT Workspace

The London Marathon

The London Marathon is fast approaching, and if you are lucky enough to be entered into this years 2019 race day, then the anticipation must be mounting. All your hard work will be coming to ahead on Sunday, 28 April, so now you just have to make it to race day! To help you along your way we have some handy hints & tips to share on the run up!

By now you will already have a race routine which you are working through and trying your best to stick too, however be sure to incorporate weight training to help continue to build strength in your legs. Using a kettlebell is a great way in which to work those muscles on days you are not running.

  • Romanian Deadlift
  • Single leg Lunge
  • Front Squat


Every runners nightmare is an injury, so as to avoid this happening best you can, rest and recover! Do you have a Foam Roller? If not you can pick one up at a relatively competitive price. This will help massage your leg muscles which can become very tight. Your muscles will thank you later.(please see video for instruction on using foam roller)

Last Years Stats


At the end of January last year (12 weeks out), females who would go on to run the London Marathon in sub-3 were running on average 55.3 miles a week. Sub-4 finishers were running on average 29.2 miles a week; sub-5 finishers 20.4 miles a week; and 5-plus finishers 16.6 miles a week. Interestingly, sub-3 females ran their biggest mileage four weeks before the marathon (65.9), while slower females saved their biggest mileage for three weeks before the race.


Among the men, the average mileage was slightly lower. This was most marked in the sub-3 category. At the end of January last year, sub-3 men were running on average 46.2 miles a week compared with women’s 55.3 miles. Over 12 weeks of training, these men ran 602 miles compared with women’s 755.

In many ways, the data merely reaffirms what we already know: that those who run further, faster and more frequently tend to fair better at the marathon.

Helpful Questions

What time is the race?
For most runners, the start time of the 2019 London Marathon is 10am. Other races on the day are as follows:

8:55am – Elite Wheelchair Races

9:00am – World Para Athletics Marathon World Cup ambulant races

9:15am – The Elite Women’s Race

10:00am – The Elite Men’s Race, British Athletics & England Athletics Marathon Championships and Mass Race.

When do I collect my race number for the London Marathon 2019?

The Running Show is open at the ExCel Centre from Wednesday 24 April to Saturday 27 April at the following times:

Wednesday 24 April: 11:00-20:00

Thursday 25 April: 10:00-20:00

Friday 26 April: 10:00-20:00

Saturday 27 April: 09:00-17:00

How will I find out what pen and start I’m in for the London Marathon 2019?

There are three different starts for the London Marathon – red, blue and green. You will find your start and pen on your race number once you have collected it – the colour of your running number indicates your start area, and the number on your race number indicates your pen.

Plan for the Unexpected

  • Trains, tubes and buses many of which will be incredibly busy with routes diverted, due to the road closures. Plan your route into central London and give yourself enough time not to have to worry about being late, there are enough pre-race nerves going on then to add to the list.
  • Believe it or not, a major worry for runners is when and where they will be able to go to the toilet! If you wish to use a toilet then unfortunately you need to prepare yourself for long queues. So you won’t be too surprised when you catch the odd runner in the bush. Bury the embarrassment, because if you need to go you need to go!
  • Chaffing can be incredibly painful when running 26.2 miles, so find a lubricant which can relieve the rubbing and then basically apply it everywhere which touches skin or clothes.
  • It can take up to forty minutes from the time you cross the finish line to collect your medal, finisher’s bag, kitbag and leave the secure area. Keep your phone charged and plan in advance where to meet family and friends otherwise you might not find them.

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PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

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