personal training Business Fitness personal trainer

The Growth of Private Personal Training Studio’s

We are back and ready for business! April the 12th was long-awaited for many in anticipation of gyms finally opening, alongside restaurants, bars and shops in line with Government guidelines.

Private personal training Studio

Never in all the years of operating have we had to close our doors, a feeling echoed by many business owners, but now we hope we are finally over the finish line. Since 2016 it has been our mission to elevate the industry for personal trainers, providing luxury private studio space where personal trainers could grow and develop their own businesses without the worry of extortionate rental rates which are unwavering and impractical for many small businesses. 


Flexible Studio Rental Model

Thankfully since then, the industry has come a long way, and whilst the giants of commercial gyms continue churning over trainers like they are replaceable, at least there are now options available, as private personal training studio’s and small group training facilities have continued to grow in popularity, offering a more flexible and community feel to what can be a lonely business at times. Clients, as well as trainers, enjoy a more private space to train in, especially with the pandemic causing crowded spaces to feel unsafe.

Before the birth of private personal training studio’s such as PT Workspace, meant finding a gym space that you could call your own was near on impossible unless you were fortunate enough to have your own private studio. Many London parks now charge upwards of £100 per day to train clients, and many gyms want to keep their PT’s and clients in house where possible.

Studio Hire in London

With the expansion into online training, private studio hire has moved into different realms, where personal trainers now seek space not just for one to one training, but also a professional backdrop to create online content for websites and social media. Now is an amazing time to enter the industry with health at the forefront of peoples minds and the encouragement to live a more active and healthy lifestyle. There are finally options for trainers!


Stay healthy and Safe.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

personal training

Surviving Lockdown Third Time Around

Running a business is not for the faint-hearted, it’s often a big chance you take a step out from the comfort of a secure job, into a self-sufficient role which can be incredibly demanding on your time, as well as your mental and physical well being. Often failure can come at a high price, but success can be all that much sweeter for it. 


In a turbulent year for businesses big and small already, what can you be doing to help stay afloat as we battle the ongoing pandemic? Many small businesses are being resourceful and turning to options currently available to support their product or services online. Personal trainers are no different and in their millions have migrated online utilising applications like Zoom to support coaching and their social media to create a presence. But could you be doing more? How many can you tick off below…


There will be many casualties from lockdown the inevitable fact that being forced to adapt rapidly online, will not have sat well with all clients, especially if zoom or online coaching just does not work for them. It’s not for everyone, but when was the last time you checked in with them? Asked how they were doing? If you could help in any way, even if it was just someone different for them to speak to. Because when the gyms open back up, they might well be the first to want to jump back in.

Reflecting back on a conversation had with a recent client who said during the first Lockdown, their PT dropped off the grid, so when he popped up after lockdown lifted the client had lost complete interest by then. Checking in on all your clients regularly is important for retention and loyalty, its important to show you care, especially in times where your clients may feel isolated or cut off from human interaction.


Social Media

Making your social media work for you!

Who is your professional profile aimed at? Your clients? New potential clients? Other PT’s? Your friends? Just posting pictures for likes?

Social media can be a great tool to create leads and generate interest in your services if you are using it properly, and it can be easy to lose sight of this. A good tip is to DM new followers and check-in to say hi, introduce yourself, and start up a conversation, say “thanks for the follow!” You never know where it will lead. Be proactive with your communication, and reach out where appropriate to those who show interest.

Be Selective

Pick and choose what works for your business, how you spend your time is valuable, so choose which social media sites work for you. Same with the content you put out. If writing blogs do not come naturally to you, maybe focus more on creating video content instead. Use your time constructively and work to your strengths.



As personal trainers, it’s understood that there are a number of reasons, which often implicate clients leading a healthy lifestyle, be that sleep, nutrition, injury, bad form, not understanding the basics. Which can hinder your clients making progress or reaching their goals. Could you be offering your clients something more, such as an online workshop to help? Going above and beyond with your clients will again help with retention and invariably be beneficial in the long run. If your workshops become a success then maybe this could become another revenue stream to explore. 


Ask for feedback

Some clients you may have had for a while and it’s important that they feel like they are being heard. Constructive feedback from our clients can be really helpful and will allow you to see your service through their eyes. If there are improvements to be made, this may help keep future clients in the long run. Send them a survey, Survey Monkey is always a popular choice and its free!


Whilst many of these hints and tips may not make your business an overnight success, there are some great habits to start implementing in order to give yourself the best possible chance of success through these challenging months. 


Thanks for reading 

PT Workspace team 

Fitness personal trainer

Time to get S.M.A.R.T

As we approach the end of 2020 it is quite clear to see how tired and exhausted trainers have become navigating the most unpredictable and challenging year to date. Whilst we can take positives out of 2020, such as online personal training and a better understanding of health in relation to Covid-19, the long hours training clients in the parks during Lockdown 2.0 has finally caught up with us. December is a cold dark month which is usually overshadowed by Christmas cheer, but understandably not everyone is feeling so festive this month.

As we enter the busiest time of the year for the fitness industry, December is the month to lay the groundworks for January and the year ahead. As demanding as this year has been already, the time you put into planning now will make the transition into 2021 smoother. It’s time to re-evaluate this year and get SMART.


S – Specific, significant, stretching

What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?


M – Measurable, meaningful, motivational

What data will measure the goal? (How much? How well?)


A – Agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?


R – Realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?


T – Time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable

What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?


Setting realistic goals will guide you in the right direction and keep you motivated no matter how hard things get.

Between prospecting for new clients, getting existing clients results, and billing more hours, setting SMART goals can help you stay on track so you know exactly what steps to take on a daily basis to reach your specific target.

The time to elevate your business is now!


Thanks for Reading


PT Workspace Team

Fitness PT Workspace

Five Positive Lessons Learned in Lockdown

‘Whilst we are all in this together, we are not all in the same boat’. This quote you hear bounded around rings true for many of us facing lockdown and the monumental effect it has had on our lives and businesses.

Whilst despair can plague your thoughts guessing which month is finally going to ease restrictions, your moral compass goes into overdrive and you are left wondering what, when, where, why… Is this the right time? Then BOOM! You’re down the rabbit hole spiralling. So easily done and stressful at the same time. You go online or switch on the TV which stokes your anxiety, and before you know it you’ve dreamt up a hypothetical situation with no way of knowing which part is fact or fiction. Before all context is lost, take a moment to see what positives you can derive from this unrivalled experience, no matter how small they are.

  1. Keep Focused! Exhausting energy on what you cannot control will not help your mental health, neither is it the best use of your time. It’s draining! Although, that is not to say you should not prepare for change, as in these challenging times being able to adapt is important. However, making informed decisions from the evidence provided by trusted sources is advised, as you would in all other areas of health and fitness. You got this! Think smart.
  2. Health is important! We know this, you know this, and now the rest of the world knows just how important it is also. Never has it been so vital to look after one’s health, the days of waiting for a miracle cure or quick fix are drifting into the abyss (well we hope so). Which means good old hard work and determination can prevail. Opening the door for personal trainers and fitness/ nutrition professionals to do what they do best, especially for those seeking help.
  3. Kindness! Yes, headlines and social media will showcase the most frustrating people society has to offer, but in challenging times, the kindness of strangers has been a beautiful thing. At least there are a few good eggs still knocking around to restore faith in humanity. Maybe you are one of them?
  4. Time is precious! Nobody appreciates change being thrust upon them when they least expect it, and not many envisioned 2020 quite like this. So if this has given you time to re-evaluate a few things that have needed your attention, then hit the reset button and work on what is viable during the quiet days.
  5. Starting something new! Whether you are an avid weight lifter and suddenly found your running feet, or decided that now is the time to create an online personal training platform, then take kudos in starting something new which you may not have done otherwise. All about the small wins, acknowledge them because we all have to start somewhere.

Finding positives might be a stretch too far some right now and that’s okay. But on reflection at some point, there will surely be some important lessons learned and maybe positives down the line.

 Stay Healthy and safe!

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

personal training Fitness

Alternative Ways to Support Your Clients During Lockdown

It’s a difficult time for the fitness industry with all gyms ordered to close as of the 23rd of March. So making the best out of the current situation has been challenging but not impossible for fitness professionals. Many have chosen to reach clients through online personal training and classes, which have proven popular for some more than others. Whilst online personal training and Instagram lives have become the new normal, there are other ways in which to engage and support your clients, call it another string to your bow. Until the day that the gym doors open, we have a few tips to help…

  • Nutrition advice: As a personal trainer you will know how important a diet is in the overall grand scheme of exercise and calories. Nutrition is, of course, a touchy subject in regards to the limitation of advice you can offer. Often said in a passing comment, that it’s important to stay in your lane. This does not mean that you can’t offer helpful advice about tracking calorie intake and macros. Help your client understand how to maintain some progress through what they are eating, especially if they are worried that they are reaching for the fridge too often. Planning meals in advance, with ingredients that can work across several meals, limiting food waste could be a great help.
  • Check-in: Days and weeks are starting to roll into each other, so make sure you are touching base to see how your clients are doing and coping. A personal trainer can be so much more than the person who beasts them at the gym. Someone’s lifestyle impacts heavily on progress and if they are struggling, whether that be stress or anything else, you can be an outlet to drive positive constructive behaviours moving forward. Again, know your boundaries and refer where applicable.
  • Focus on technique: Depending on how well prepared your client is with equipment at home, will dictate much of what you will likely do with them. But like the majority of the population, who didn’t quite see 2020 turning out like this, means there will be limitations. So it is a great time to really focus on getting technique airtight with your clients. Technique, after all, is the backbone to succeeding in their goals.
  • Keep Moving: All trainers know that increasing general daily activity can go a long way in helping burn calories, but maybe not your clients. Encourage them to get that Vitamin D whilst the sun is out and make the most of the one daily exercise allocated during this time. Set them a challenge to achieve to keep them motivated with incentives, hopefully, this will stop them from moulding into the sofa if you are concerned about isolation. Obviously, be mindful of the current guidelines around COVID-19, that your challenges do not encourage your clients to break these, for example, 10,000 steps daily may not be safe or achievable in some cases.

With no end in sight as it stands, it’s all about the daily small wins which will keep both you and your clients motivated through these tough times. Stay Healthy and safe!

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

Fitness General

Making the Most of Isolation

There is no telling how long the UK will be in lockdown, as it has been said on many occasions these really are unprecedented times. Many of us would never have experienced anything like this in our generation or even our parent’s generation for that matter. So its completely natural to feel a level of uncertainty or anxiety especially if you have had to face temporarily closing your business, or are particularly worried for friends and relatives which you cannot see.

As it stands we have to take each day as it comes and have faith in the kindness and humanity shown in the community when some days can look pretty gloomy. Now more than ever looking after your mental & physical health is pivotal to making your way through the next few weeks and months ahead, so we have some ideas to help you through isolation and keep your mind and body stimulated.

Some might be obvious but hey, give it a go anyway…

  • Limit the amount of media you listen to every day. Some of the great mental health charities in the UK are suggesting limiting yourself to around 5minutes of news every day if you feel like it’s impacting on your health. If it gets too much change it over or turn it off!
  • Find 15minutes a day to clear your mind, whether you meditate, pray or just listen to your heartbeat. Allow yourself to let go and focus on the moment. It may sound very hippy but this does wonders for the mind.

  • Develop your online presence, now more than ever you have something which we don’t often have…Time, time to work on your brand, time to present the best version of yourself to your clients.

  • Declutter- Follow people on Instagram who inspire you, keep your feed insightful and positive, delete those who question your self worth or elicit a negative reaction

  • Further your education, If you are a personal trainer there are lots of CPD courses available on sites like where you can develop your skillset. Times are tough and if upfront payment is not a viable option, explore payment options the company has available to you. Just ask.

  • Bake- Now we know some of the essentials in the stores can be hard to come by, but there are websites such as ‘BBC good food’ which feature recipes from bits which can be found in your cupboard or are less difficult to come by in the shops.
  • Read a book, whether you download it to your fancy phone or tablet, or enjoy the old fashioned feel of the pages, Amazon have their best sellers on hand to prompt inspiration if you are stuck.

  • Keep in touch with friends and family, with the rise of apps like Houseparty and Zoom it has never been easier to connect with loved ones. Oh, and you can play games too.

Of course, if all else fails there is always the classic Nexflix and chill for the evening. Stay healthy and Safe.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

personal trainer

The Power of Accountability

The start of the year is always surrounded by a hazy fog of weight loss hacks, new year new you promises and campaigns, alongside fancy new tech & fitness apps at the forefront of time stricken individuals. Whatever method you have chosen to meet your goals in 2020, are you using these 5 points to hold yourself accountable? 

  • Share your goals

Discussing your goals with like-minded individuals will not only bring them alive but will help you build confidence in achieving them. Share your highs and lows, and surround yourself with people who will keep you on track. 

  • Have someone hold you accountable like a personal trainer

Whilst it can be easy to make excuses and find reasons to avoid exercise, it is always a lot harder when someone else is relying on you to show up. A good personal trainer will not only guide you but will hold you accountable for your actions. Guilt in this instance is a blessing in disguise.

  • Train with a friend or family member 

Training on your own from time to time can become repetitive, so break it up by working out occasionally with a friend or family member. This will help to keep variety running through your fitness regime. If you are particularly competitive, see if a healthy challenge among friends will add a bit of excitement to a session.

  • Track your progress

There are some great apps out there now which makes tracking your progress easier than ever. Popular apps such as My Fitness Pal can assist with logging exercise routines as well as calories and macros. Only by logging your progress will you be able to personally hold your self accountable.

  • Be Honest with yourself

No matter all of the tips above, if you are not honest with yourself and the choices you make then all of them can be cheated in one way or another. We all have off days, but don’t let one bad day make for a bad week. Reset and start again.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact

Fitness personal training

3 Quick Tips To Help Foam Roll

Foam rollers is one thing PT Workspace has never been short of! The studio manager swears by them to help improve mobility, prevent injury, boost performance and help you recover from exercise. Now if you’re wondering what those round cylinders in the corner of the studio are good for, then maybe we can help answer that question.

Foam rolling can help address muscle stiffness and pain by applying pressure to specific points on your body. It can aid recovery as well as assist normal function of muscles which might feel tight or knotted.

Whilst it may cause slight discomfort at times, it can also leave your muscles feeling relaxed and ready to perform if used correctly.

  1. Listen to your body…

You will understand better than anyone, which muscles need attention and where the sore spots are. Start slowly, your muscles respond to different types of pressure so adjust accordingly.   

2. Be mindful…

If you have an injury avoid rolling the affected area, foam rolling should not cause you to feel immense pain. By using your own bodyweight you can roll major muscle groups, and be mindful of pressure, releasing or lifting off the roller if it becomes too much. You have the power to control the amount of force applied, so again, start slowly and ease into it.

3. Take your time

Foam rolling is not something you can really rush, to feel the full benefits of rolling give your body time to adapt and your brain time to tell your muscles to relax. Spend a little time working tight spots but remember not to overdo it! Move on, prolonged time can cause tissue damage among other injuries.  

Regardless of whether you choose to use foam roll before or after a workout, it can be a great way in which to increase motion and performance whilst helping prevent injury. Give it a go next time your in the studio.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact


5 Great Reasons to Workout in the Morning

Mornings… Now they are not for everyone! A battle we all face but not everyone conquers, and as winter sets in, the harder it becomes to plant those two feet on the floor. The cosiness of bed will have you fighting your own thoughts and questioning your own sanity. But there are some great benefits to working out in the morning which can help set you up for the day ahead. 

  1. Rise and Shine…
    Exercise believe it or not wakes you up! It can be as effective as your morning cup of tea or coffee. “Even a short bout of any cardiovascular exercise wakes us up, speeds mental processes, and enhances memory storage and retrieval, regardless of our fitness or fatigue levels.” – Harvard Health Blog

  2. Bite the Bullet…
    It’s done! And out the way for another day. By exercising in the morning you are less prone to worry about your workout hanging over your head, meetings running over, distractions or anything else life has to throw at you.

  3. Personal space to focus on you…
    Exercise is great for not only improving just your physical health but helping with your mental health as well. Its time you can invest in you! sweat out your frustration and stress, where work and everything else can take a backseat for an hour before you prepare for the day ahead.

  4. Consistency is key…
    Working out in the morning will help develop a routine, and with routine come consistency. As much as you want to hit your snooze at 6am, showing up each day and staying committed is the key to achieving those all-important goals.

  5. Feel Good…
    To put it simply exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you feel good as well as reduce your perception of pain. Starting the day off right with exercise has many great benefits to not only your mood but mental cognition, leading to better alertness, focus and concentration at work.

Mornings can seem like the enemy sometimes, but when you have learnt the knack of using them to your advantage, then there is a lot to appreciate about them too! Like Sunrises, you will see certainly see your fair share of those.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact

personal trainer

How Much Should You Be Charging As a Personal Trainer?

Well, now that’s a question to behold! and usually one answered through trial and error over time, with experience. But if you are anything like us, then waiting around to find out the hard way may seem pointless, so we thought we would lend a helping hand to get you started.

Let’s start with saying…It’s OK if you don’t hit the nail on the head first time, but when it comes to setting your own rates as a personal trainer, having the correct expectations based on informed research and the market in which you are trying to target, is important. It can stand between you converting clients or losing them in the fitness industry, and we all need that bread and butter to make it out there in the big wide world. 

Please understand that just because your mate Colin charges upwards of £150 an hour, throws the word celebrity around occasionally, does not necessarily mean you can charge the same, especially if your situations differ. Regardless of personal training being a luxury, this does not mean you can always charge copious amounts. Understanding your personal worth is the key to setting the right rates. There is no one size fits all when crunching numbers, so to find the answer you have to examine a few things first such as…

Once you have answered these questions you can start building market research, seeing how other local businesses in your industry price themselves. Explore what you may need to work up to in which to achieve the same level of success. It always helps to be in the know with the market and your competition, and this will help create rates in line with what clients will expect to pay in your area.

Before finalising your rates make sure you have factored in your living costs, rent of the gym or studio and taxes. Also if you work with a package system which decreases your hourly rate with an increase in sessions or larger packages, check your margins because little losses here and there can add up at the end of the month. 

Rate Structures you can explore

Standard hourly rates – Setting your rates per hour for which you charge the same to all clients across the board.

Flexible rates– Dependant on the client and what goals they are seeking. If you have to travel or pay more to train in a specific location or specialist facility, then these charges can be factored in.

Packages– Sessions which are grouped together which the client can choose, such as ( 4, 8, 12, 24). Sometimes trainers may wish to discount larger packages to make them more attractive.

We hope you found this helpful.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition, why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.

personal trainer Fitness Uncategorized

Questions you should ask when choosing the right personal trainer for you”

In a society where it is becoming ever more normal to question where and how things are sourced, such as meat and vegetables, clothes to name a few. Why then do we not question the Health & fitness industry more? In this new wave of popular blue tick fitness professionals on IG, thankfully more and more of us are starting to question what really works. Not just for the short term but for the long haul. 

The key is education!…Enabling you to make a balanced and informed choice. If you don’t know everything there is to know about achieving muscle growth or fat loss for example, that’s fine! Because that is something you can learn from a personal trainer. Have an issue with your diet then a nutritionist can give you direction. It’s okay to ask questions before you hire a health or fitness professional. In fact we highly recommend you do! Because bad practices can put you at risk from an injury or worse…Before you get started consider asking some the questions below:

  • Is there an initial consultation? Health Screening?
  • How long have you been practicing, and what are your qualifications?
  • How will you track my progress?
  • What kind of training and exercise will we be doing in our sessions?
  • How many sessions a week would you suggest we have and Why?
  • What Should I Do Between Sessions with You?
  • What are your rates?
  • And maybe throw in a question that will showcase the personal trainers personality to see if you are a good fit.

Once you have the answers it’s time to do the homework!

  • Request testimonials
  • Ask for qualifications and check accrediting bodies!
  • If unsure of qualification type, Google it!  (boring I know) and do a bit of research on the course.
  • Keep away from multiple sales offerings (bad sign for confidence in delivering one service)

Thanks for Reading We hope you found it useful.

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.



There is a tide of change coming in the fitness industry, can you feel it? Even though there are more faddy diets, weight loss pills and magic weight loss drinks than ever before, the backlash from qualified professionals who are tied of misleading products is mounting. It sends home a message loud and clear, enough is enough! The responsibility health and fitness professionals have to their clients and listeners before endorsing a product is of great importance. No matter the grind, the world is looking at what way your moral compass is turning and even with the best intentions, be hopeful it is facing the right way.  

The boom of instagram has given a platform for personal trainers to have a voice, share their lifestyles and inspire, but with it comes the pressure to represent your own authenticity as a fitness professional. Maybe there was a time when those of us who knew better would turn a blind eye to the continuous onslaught of diet fads because the battle way just too great to rage on one’s own, brush it under the carpet as ‘Another one’ to join the army of weight loss products promising unrealistic sustained weight loss (for the majority). But when the audience at which these diet products are aim at start fighting back, it will only be a matter of time before the truth is out, and no amount of photoshopped before and after pictures will save the product from its inevitable demise.

There is no short cuts for long term success in creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle, that much is true. So it’s the job of all health and fitness professionals to help clear fog and raise the industry to higher standards for the benefit of all.

Keep It Real…

Thanks for Reading

PT Workspace Team

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training your client at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the independent personal trainers who already work and market themselves with us

For additional marketing support for personal trainers click Here.

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Personal Training Islington

Beat The January Blues…Personal Training Islington

The highs of the festive season never prepare you for the come down in January off all the food and drink consumed in December. Feeling heavy and a little fed up? We know the feeling! It’s time to address the heavy Winter diet, by shaking up the body with some much needed exercise to get the adrenaline pumping, and those feel good endorphins working on beating the January blues.

Thankfully we work alongside a talented team of experienced personal trainers, whose job it is to make us look great and feel amazing. So if you are not sure where to start this month, start with a trainer which can put you on the right track in your fitness journey.

Fitness personal trainer PT Workspace

Finding Clients in the Festive Season

Finding Clients in the Festive Season

December is finally here! Gosh blink and it will be Christmas day… Whilst many people start shutting down for the December period, those of us in the fitness industry are revving up for a busy January/ February. Lets face it, people need personal trainers more than ever, specially when each year the fad diets don’t stop over the festive season any more, social media carries them all year round, and it gets confusing knowings who to trust. After what can be a heavy month for many, come January it’s easier for those more susceptible to quick fixes to get sucked into a miracle cure, for all the pounds consumed over this naughty period of indulgence. So if you need to up your game after the New Year we have some top tips to help convert those clients in the upcoming months ahead which are looking for a little guidance.


Building good rapport with your current clients, helping them feel comfortable as well as being friendly and approachable is vital when marketing yourself… Word of mouth goes a long way! Let your current clients know that you will be taking on new clients in the New Year and even say that you can give them a free or discounted session for each recommendation!  Or even recommend you both come together for a free taster session.

During the taster session you should ask open ended questions about the client’s lifestyle and fitness, find ways of showing how you can help them, but not in a way that makes the prospective client feel defensive – many people are nervous about Personal Trainers, after all you are the epitome of the fit and healthy lifestyle goal they are aiming for!


Try offering packages of your training sessions and discounts if the client takes a number of sessions.  Or consider discounting the first one or two sessions in a “Try it and See” incentive. Contact your existing and old clients and offer their friends a reduced price first session and as a thank you, a discounted price session for the old client – which may result in new clients and the return of old clients!


Ask about their health and fitness history and make notes.This shows the client you genuinely want to help them in a personal way, rather than giving them a basic plan made for anyone. Once you fully understand their health history you can help craft a informative response. Consultations are inherently as they are worded, consultancy practices not a pitch. Use the opportunity to find information that will help structure your own explanation on how you can support them with their fitness goals.


Don’t be shy – if you have good results from other clients that you have documented or photographed, then show them (with permission of course). You can also try:

  • Keep your website regularly updated with accomplishments.
  • Email your existing clients with updates and healthy tips.
  • If you have recommendations from your clients then put them on your webpage, and use social media to your advantage,
  • Clients may feel a world away from you in regards to their own personal physique, so by showing them that you have experience transforming body shapes similar to theirs, will boost their motivation and definitely help.  Above all, keep it professional!


We wish you every success in the upcoming months ahead, and if you need somewhere to train all those new clients then make sure you talk to us…


Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training your client at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the independent personal trainers who already work and market themselves with us

For additional marketing support for personal trainers click Here.

PT Workspace Fitness personal trainer

Myth Debunking: FACT or FICTION, What’s the Truth?

How many questions will you get right…No peeking!

To lose a 1lb of fat, you need to consume 3,500 less calories a week?


Answer: FACT 

Because 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume to lose 1 pound. So if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you’d lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). It isn’t quite this simple, because you usually lose a combination of fat, lean tissue and water. Additionally due to changes which can occur in the body as a result of weight loss, you may need to continue to decrease calories in order to continue losing weight steadily.

Stretching will help prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness?



“The evidence from randomised studies suggests that muscle stretching, whether conducted before, after, or before and after exercise, does not produce clinically important reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness in healthy adults.” Conclusion by Authors Herbert RD1, de Noronha M, Kamper SJ. Musculoskeletal Division, The George Institute for Global Health.

A Systematic Review of the Literature, colleagues pored over nearly 100 other published medical studies on the subject. Their key conclusions: stretching does increase flexibility; the highest-quality studies indicate that this increased flexibility doesn’t prevent injuries; few athletes need extreme flexibility to perform their best (perhaps just gymnasts and figure skaters); and more injuries would be prevented by better warm-ups, by strength training, and by balance exercises, than by stretching.

On average we can only gain 2 pounds of muscle for men a month and 1 pound for women? 


Answer: FACT

Here’s how fast you can expect to build muscle on average:

Average Natural MAN: between 0.25 and 0.5 pounds of muscle per week (or about 1-2 pounds of muscle gained per month).

Average Natural WOMAN: between 0.12 – 0.25 pounds of muscle per week (or about 0.5-1 pound of muscle gained per month).

We’re strictly talking MUSCLE, not WEIGHT. Besides actual muscle, weight gained throughout the week could be (and often is) fat, water or glycogen. We’re not talking about any of those here.

Lifting the heaviest weights will help me develop muscles fastest.


Increasing reps rapidly will tone up abdominals like 20 Ab crunches.

“two birds one stone”



Hypertrophy can be broken down into two types of categories myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic. Each of these specific types of muscle hypertrophy will result in increasing size of cells, but not of equal effect.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is focused on increasing the actual size of the muscle, and less on increasing strength.

Several repetitions (generally 8–12 for bodybuilding or 12 or more for muscular endurance) against a submaximal load facilitate mainly sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (professional bodybuilders and endurance athletes).

Myofibril hypertrophy will focus more on strength increase and less on an increase in the size of the skeletal muscle.

80 to 90% of the one-repetition maximum for 2–6 repetitions (reps) causes myofibrillated hypertrophy to dominate (as in powerlifters, Olympic lifters and strength athletes).

Running will help me shape my legs and bum? 



Increasing lean muscle in the legs and bum will impact shape and definition alongside lower body fat percentage. Running will be effective cardiovascular exercise and reduce body fat, to increase lean body mass resistance training is required over conventional beliefs on running to achieve these goals.

Squats with weights

Obviously helps to build your leg muscles (including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves), and can also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building.

Increasing lean muscle in the legs and bum will impact shape and definition alongside lower body fat percentage. Running will be effective cardiovascular exercise and reduce body fat, to increase lean body mass resistance training is required over conventional beliefs on running to achieve these goals.

Low intensity cardio is most effective to burn calories and lose weight?



Although it’s technically true that exercising in the so-called “fat burning zone” (at a lower intensity level of about 60% to 70% of maximum heart rate) does use a higher percentage of fat calories for fuel, the overall total calories burned is still fairly low. The reason is simple. Fat is a slow-burning fuel that requires oxygen to convert it to a usable energy, so it’s great for long, steady, slow exercise, like backpacking, or cycling a long distance. Most people have enough stored body fat to fuel low level activity for days and days without running out of energy, but if you want to go fast, work all-out, or burn the most calories per minute, you need to rely on the faster-burning carbohydrate (glycogen) for energy. Converting fat to fuel takes longer, and requires lots of oxygen. In the strictest definition, this is called aerobic metabolism.

The real question is If your goal is weight loss, and burning calories is the way you are trying to lose weight, you are better off exercising at a higher intensity 2-3 times per week, and burning more overall calories from both fat and stored glycogen.

Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

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