

Consistency Counts: The Local Advantage of Having a Personal Trainer Near Me

Consistency Counts: The Local Advantage of Having a “Personal Trainer Near Me” In the dynamic world of personal fitness, the saying “location matters” takes on newfound importance. The proximity of your gym or personal trainer studio could be the secret sauce to unlocking unparalleled consistency in your fitness routine. Recent research is shedding light on...

Surviving Lockdown Third Time Around

Running a business is not for the faint-hearted, it’s often a big chance you take a step out from the comfort of a secure job, into a self-sufficient role which can be incredibly demanding on your time, as well as your mental and physical well being. Often failure can come at a high price, but...

3 Quick Tips To Help Foam Roll

Foam rollers is one thing PT Workspace has never been short of! The studio manager swears by them to help improve mobility, prevent injury, boost performance and help you recover from exercise. Now if you’re wondering what those round cylinders in the corner of the studio are good for, then maybe we can help answer...

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

Stress like mental health is not something we should shy away from, by talking about it and addressing stress head on, we can find different coping mechanisms for carrying it. Sometimes stress cannot be avoided, such as the loss of a job or the passing of a family member. These sorts of situations are ones...

The London Marathon

The London Marathon is fast approaching, and if you are lucky enough to be entered into this years 2019 race day, then the anticipation must be mounting. All your hard work will be coming to ahead on Sunday, 28 April, so now you just have to make it to race day! To help you along your...

Making Fitness Fun!

PT Workspace Making Fitness Fun! Coming up this September PT workspace is taking park in Rough Runner which is Inspired by TV game shows like Gladiators, Total Wipeout and Ninja Warrior with a 10k run throw in the mix. As abit of fun we have gathered a troop of incredibly talented personal trainers which work...

Fitness Apps

The Best Fitness Apps to Enhance your Workout… Fitness apps are by no means a new concept when it comes to exercise, however navigating the sea of fitness apps now avaliable to you can be somewhat confusing, so we have narrowed down popular fitness apps which can help track, train, and enhance your workout. Running...

On Your Bike!

On Your Bike!.. Summer is here and so is the lycra! London is a city of passionate cyclists and after this year’s successful Tour de France, we thought what better time to give you some top tips for training those legs to help reach your cycling goals. Whether it is to make your journey to...