

What is the role of a personal trainer?

What is the role of a personal trainer? In today’s world, fitness has become an integral part of our lives, with more and more people aspiring to lead healthy, active lifestyles. However, embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure where to start or lack the necessary guidance. This...

How Often Should You See a Personal Trainer?

How Often Should You See a Personal Trainer? Consistency is a crucial factor in achieving fitness goals with the help of a personal trainer. Regular sessions with a trainer ensure that you stay accountable and motivated to work towards your desired results. By consistently showing up for your scheduled sessions, you establish a routine that...


There is a tide of change coming in the fitness industry, can you feel it? Even though there are more faddy diets, weight loss pills and magic weight loss drinks than ever before, the backlash from qualified professionals who are tied of misleading products is mounting. It sends home a message loud and clear, enough...

On Your Bike!

On Your Bike!.. Summer is here and so is the lycra! London is a city of passionate cyclists and after this year’s successful Tour de France, we thought what better time to give you some top tips for training those legs to help reach your cycling goals. Whether it is to make your journey to...