personal trainer Fitness PT Workspace

Nutrition… Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail.

Food Diary of the Studio Manager at PT Workspace

Written by Nathan Drury-Ellis

It is so important when we have busy lives to use our time as efficiently as possible when preparing food, for that reason i utilize what i call “mass production cooking”. Often a meal even for one person in the evening can take between 30-45 mins to prepare and cook and so i prepare as many meals at one time as i can. This can seem obvious but often when i speak to clients that i train they never use this as a time saving tool.

Okay so every Sunday (yes the day of rest) i do “mass production cooking” for the week ahead. This is so i can take some food (in tubs) on the go that i know the nutritional value of and as we all experience it is hard to get healthy but tasty food when we are out and about in the week.


I genuinely put an hour aside each Sunday to do my cooking and often requires just a single trip to the shops to get a hand full of extra ingredients.

The ingredients do vary but often the basic ingredients remain the same.

  • 2kg of boneless chicken breast
  • Handful of Spinach, tomatoes, Red peppers ,broccoli, mushrooms, and often a mixed bag of frozen veg.
  • 2-3 cups of Rice
  • Tin of Black beans

I use an assortment of middle eastern spices such as Cumin, Coriander, Chilli, Garam Masala, Paprika and often Garlic and Ginger for the chicken & the veg. You can pick from the spices that you like best for obvious reasons due to the fact i am the sort of cook that likes to get creative i am not going to place specific amounts but the tend to range between 2tps-3tps each.

Nutritional Reasoning

So for the nutritional reasoning behind these choice is simple. The 2kg of chicken is split up into 6-7 meals a week equalling between 250-300 grams per serving. This alongside a protein shake and often a some mixed nuts with another fish based meal mackerels salad, tuna etc it will total my daily protein needs of 2x my 80kg body weight so 160-180 grams of protein.

The assortment of vegetables means i do get the recommended daily needs for vitamins & minerals. Spinach and broccoli are must haves in my book due to the high levels of vitamin A, C and immune system benefits. I could do a whole post on the benefits and make-up of the vitamins and minerals in the vegetables alone but i will keep to the main topic.

So the carbohydrates (the mix of black beans and rice) goes without saying it is important but specifically it’s needed for energy and also has positive nutrient uptake (protein to the muscles) when eating post workout.

The Cooking

  • So the cooking itself is easy and it requires little skill.
  • Dice chicken into trays and mix spices to coat and place in the oven for around 45 mins
  • Boil rice about 20-25 mins and add black beans at the end when finished just to heat up, do not forget to empty and rinse black beans!
  • Vegetables are easy and can help to create a sauce when using tomatoes it’s so simply by sauteing in a large deep pan with the other veg for around 30mins.
  • Equipment needed, large pan for vegetables and the two oven pans for the chicken. Also small saucepan for the rice.

Helpful order for cooking for vegetables:

1, red peppers, mushroom, add garlic and ginger, spices and then tomatoes and frozen mixed veg (this contains the broccoli and extras such as peas, carrots etc).

This can cook while your chicken is in the oven alongside boiling the rice/black beans and so the food should all be ready together. It is 1 hour approx dependent on how fast you are with a knife and chopping board :).

The finished article

Now i usually place 2-3 in the fridge to grab for next couple days and the others between 3-4 in the freezer. The freezer meals i grab out and place in the fridge after about 2-3 days for the rest of the week.

You can eat theses when you get home in the evenings or as i do take on the go to save me buying poor nutritional value foods from tesco, pret etc.

The measurements and ingredients are specific to me and my daily needs (80kg male) but it can be easily modified with switching up less or more chicken, rice etc and for vegetarians maybe quorn as an alternative.

Hope this was helpful and send me any questions or do not hesitate to comment below if i missed anything.

Happy Mass Cooking 🙂


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here. 

Fitness Motivational

Myth Debunking: Cardio vs Weight Training

The internet has allowed us to access information like never before, this is no secret! The issue is being able to tell what is a load of nonsense, and what information carries legitimate weight to it. The ongoing debate around cardio vs weight training is one which has been building momentum ever since having a big booty become the latest fashion in fitness.

Now don’t be mistaken in thinking that we are not aware of the positive results weight training has all round, specially when building glutes/muscles within your routine… NO SIR the myth that need debunking is that cardio is detrimental to you having a healthy physique, that if you run you are doomed to have a flat bottom, no muscle and below average physique for the foreseeable future. Weights are good and Cardio is bad… This needs to stop! here’s why..

Cardio for one does not only come in the form of running, its rowing, cycling, hiking, swimming, HIIT and the list continues, and so when you say cardio, this is being incredibly general! Even if running is what’s implied by cardio, different forms of running such as trail running and hill sprints can be very good at working your muscles and glutes.

Second being that we all have a different genetic makeup, whilst we can to a certain degree shape/enhance our bodies by targeting specific areas through weight training and CARDIO, we may not always have the success that others have in the areas we seek for many reasons. Not everyone is born to be a natural runner, just like only few have the size and build to be as big as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Our bodies have limitations some of which you can move beyond, the rest is reserved for the elite 1% whose bodies are far superior and most likely that of an Athlete.

Thirdly we all have our own journey in fitness and so we each arrive at our destinations at different times and in different ways. So being closed minded to certain types of exercise is like not eating vegetables, they might not be your favourite thing on the plate, but deep down you know you should eat them.

Whilst ascetics can be one of the main driving forces behind exercise, the most important thing to remember is your health above all else. A diversity of both weight training and cardio should be applied to a balanced diet, not one or the other and so we really need to move beyond picking a side.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here. 

personal trainer Fitness personal training

6 Fitness Pros You Should Know About!

6 Fitness Pros You Should Know About!

Many of us have our loyal heath & fitness sources we turn to for information, or fitness pros which we admire and respect, follow through social media channels, magazines or blogs posts which is great. But sometimes in the world of media, ads, fads and trends it can be hard to distance yourself to see what’s real & honest when it comes to the world of fitness. Who should you really be following? Who is offering genuine advice? Is this natural or fake? good or bad for you?

So we have tracked down 6 fitness pros which we feel cut through the crud to deliver you what you need to hear from the heart. If you don’t know who they are already, get adding on your insta account!


Holly Active

Holly Davidson: Insta @hollyactive

Profile here

Personal trainer, Author, oh and black belt Kickboxer, Holly helps you step outside of your comfort zone and reassures you that you can to rise to any challenge. Great workout videos from an expert experienced in the field of all things fitness, no excuses just positive lifestyle changes.


Lawrence Price: Insta @FaFitsake

Personal Trainer, model, writer and by the looks of it an all round nice guy! Who just wants to share his fitness experience with you in a positive way. So If not taking yourself too seriously appeals to your nature, because you were always too cool for school anyhow, then you will love this guy!

Lauren Tickner

Insta @laurentickner 

Self made queen at only 21, this entrepreneur is one to watch! Having conquered growing her own fitness coaching company, she now guides others now through the snakes and ladders of branding and marketing. Lauren’s Instagram vs Reality images, just goes to show how she likes to keep it real.


Matt Hodges: Insta@Themphmethod

Personal trainer and owner of The MPH Method, Matt delivers fitness and nutrition blogs every day of the year. If there is a question or fad to be had, you can bet your protein shake he has conquered it.


Caroline Edis: Insta @cetraining

Profile here

Personal Trainer fluent in Spanish ,Portuguese and French also known for pre and post-natal training. Caroline has walked in shoes of the city worker, and understands the real struggles which come with it. Proud Myth debunker and avid nutrition seeker, say hello to your happy endorphins with Caroline.


Florence Seabright : Insta @fitbyflo_

Profile here

Personal Trainer, Dancer and all round happy go lucky person with a smile to match.  Flo lets you into her life, loves, trials and tribulations with the odd pieces of cake thrown in here and there. Fab fitness videos online which you can checkout alongside her vlog.



P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here. 

personal trainer Fitness PT Workspace

2 for 1 Personal Training Islington

2 for 1 Personal Training Islington…

Sound to good to be true? Well it might do, but the truth of the matter is that your eyes are not deceiving you and we are actually offering 2 for 1 on personal training. So if you have been putting off the gym because you feel slightly intimidated by the environment or have lacked the motivation to go, then now is the time to put a stop to those niggling thoughts once and for all.

Just 5 minutes from Essex road tube station, PT Workspace is a private personal training studio which means it is off limits to the general public, leaving you to train the majority of the time in peace. Plus now you have your partner or best mate there to travel on this fitness journey with you!

Let’s face it… It always feels better to moan to someone who understand the burn! Specially when you have been put through your paces by a pro, who will give you all the tools you need to maximise progression. So go ahead and invite that one individual who is ready to get on board with making some positive lifestyle changes.

Join us on your lunch break or anytime from then, up until 5pm! split the cost with your plus one, which works out to be only £25 per person and half the price or a normal personal training session. Winning!

To find out further information about this special offer contact info@localhost.

Fitness personal trainer PT Workspace

Breaking up with Exercise

What is the main reason you are not working out?

They say people are creatures of habit, and in think many instances it is easy to see why we love routine. So how come when it comes to working out, we end up breaking up with exercise?
Certainly we have all been there when life gets a little hectic, and even getting a grip on day to day basics such as cooking and cleaning can seem like a long shot, but when the dust settles the next battle seems to be a mental one. Having spoken with some of the longest serving personal trainers at PT Workspace, here are a few reasons clients have expressed behind their break up with exercise. Does it sound familiar?

  1. I’m too tied and don’t have the energy-  Sleep is incredibly important to your general productivity throughout the day. It’s no secret that many of us in the UK do not get enough sleep and so it’s important you find ways to combat this. Have a look at your diet and see if maybe you are drinking too much caffeine throughout the day or find that more energy rich foods an hour before a workout would be beneficial. The solution is not always cut and dry, but if the honest reason is motivation then you need to be real and talk with a professional like a personal trainers to address this issue.
  2. I have missed to many sessions- There really is no limit on how many times you start again, and it can be somewhat painful to know that you might need to build back up to the progress you once made. But rest assured, the greatest comeback comes from a setback, so the quicker you get going the quicker you will get there.
  3. I’m Busy- Yes it is a busy world we live in and working out is not always the main priority, however your health should at least be a priority of some sorts! It’s a known fact that exercise relieves stress and release those feel good endorphins so it’s good to make time for yourself, the world can wait an hour or two! If not try and see if you can schedule time in to your day and make exercise more of a routine to commit to.
  4. I’m Bored of my workout- Some days come more naturally than others when working out, which is why it’s recommended to switch up your routine and take a day to do something different. That could be a class or swimming or whatever keeps you feeling motivated to move. It may simply be that your exercise routine needs to change to accommodate a more challenging workout, if so speak to a professional PT who can challenge you.
  5. I’m worried everyone is looking at me- A great attraction to gym goers is that it gives you time and space to zone out, or perhaps if you get into it… Zone in. So the likelihood that everyone is looking at you is very slim. Everyone who is in the gym had a first day at some point, but if a mainstream gym is too overwhelming, explore other options, like at home personal training or quieter spaces such as PT Workspace which the general public cannot access.

If you happen to be injured then of course working out is probably not recommended, if so light exercise… But don’t feel too deflated, because when you can get back into the swing of the gym then there is always specialists avaliable to help you through injury rehab to avoid an injury recurring. As mentioned before there is no limit on how many times you can start again at the gym, because the worst workout will alway be better than the one you didn’t do!


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

personal training personal trainer

Resistance Bands by Zest LDN at PT Workspace

As our Eco-Friendly crusade goes on, we have a brand new product arriving at the PT Workspace studio really soon, in the form of long lasting reusable resistance bands. Great for stretching or adding resistance to your workout, you can choose from a range of colours which indicate the strength of the band. Simple…

Easy to transport, you can literally take them anywhere including the gym! They enable you to move freely in your workout without limiting your range of motion, helping stimulate muscles and build strength. For the dedicated fitness individual we also have heavy weight cotton resistance bands which are the strongest avaliable on the market at this moment in time.

To find out more information, you can enquire about Zest Ldn products via email on

Soon to be sold online via Amazon or the Zest Ldn website as well as directly from PT Workspace.

Business personal trainer

PT Workspace Eco-Friendly Mission With Zest Ldn

PT Workspace Eco-Friendly Mission With Zest Ldn

Now you may have heard, or you may have not…But we are going to tell you anyway because we are very proud of our new partnership with Zest Ldn and the beautiful new top-of-the-line bottles which you now see floating around our studio.

This year we made it our mission at PT Workspace to remove all the plastic cups from our water fountains, in order to cut down on waste and take a more eco-friendly approach to the way in which we run the studio. Instead personal trainers & clients can now buy these stylish reusable bottles to fill up their water when they come to train. With all new products your heart skips a beat every now and then, but the feedback from the PT community has been fantastic, because it can keep liquids cool for up to 24 hours! Great for summer training days…

They also look rather impressive, don’t you think?

For every bottle purchased money will go directly to charities supporting the environment. BONUS! If this sounds like your cup of tea or super chilled bottle of liquid should i say, then head on over to the website or Amazon page to find out more.

Thanks for Reading


PT Workspace Team


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

personal trainer Business

Challenges You Face as a Personal Trainer

Challenges You Face as a Personal Trainer…

For those of you just starting out in the fitness industry the likelihood that at some point in your career you will face these challenges is high, and for personal trainers already established it will seem as all too familiar reading this post. However once you know what the challenges are you can then start planning how you are best going to conquer them.


Here are a few to get you going…


The Constant need for education: The fitness industry is ever evolving with new breakthroughs in science and biology alongside the fashionable trends which come and go. So even though you may not always believe in the fitness trend which has come around, you still need to be able to execute knowledge and understanding with your clients. Education is key to keeping your skills up to date and being seen as an expert in your field.

Client Base: Finding the right Client base can be incredibly difficult when establishing yourself. You have to take into account the area in which you are based, what type of clients you want to attract, how much will your targeted client base pay, making sure this client base has the motivation to invest in their own fitness and constantly marketing yourself to reach your target clients. So it can feel somewhat like a hard nut to crack but once you’ve cracked it you will be golden.

Setting an example: As a personal trainer looking in shape is incredibly important, your clients look to you for guidance and motivation, often aspiration too so you need to lead by example.. Keeping in shape is a challenge all on its own, but when your profession is based on it the stakes are a lot higher. You wouldn’t trust a hairdresser with bad hair after all…

Standing out: Over the last decade the number of PT’s avaliable has almost doubled and so the market has become saturated with personal trainers, not all of them very good either. So you need to elevate yourself above every other Tom, Dick and Harry out there professining they can do the same thing. Find your USP (unique selling point) and market yourself accordingly, you have to invest money in to get money out, whether that is in social media, your website or local advertisements.

New clients: A good personal trainer essentially works him/herself out of a job. Health and fitness is a lifestyle change. Once a client buys into that change, it becomes a habit. When a client becomes self-reliant, a trainer is no longer necessary. So it is important that you are regularly taking on new clients to combat those who will eventually leave you.

Location: There are many difficulties when it comes to finding the right location, especially as many gyms will not allow you to train your clients at their premises. It then becomes easy to get stuck working in-house at a big corporate gym working for peanuts. Thankfully thats where PT Workspace comes in, supporting independent PT’s with space to train clients. Don’t worry if we are not in the right location as we will be expanding soon and hopefully coming to a location near you. One less challenge to worry about…

As a personal trainer despite the challenges you face, your passion and drive to consistently make a difference will go a long way in changing people’s lifestyles. However you will need to be able to consistently learn, market and grow your business for it to be a success.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training your client at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the independent personal trainers who already work and market themselves with us

For additional marketing support for personal trainers click Here.


personal training Business General

Making Fitness Fun!

PT Workspace Making Fitness Fun!

Coming up this September PT workspace is taking park in Rough Runner which is Inspired by TV game shows like Gladiators, Total Wipeout and Ninja Warrior with a 10k run throw in the mix. As abit of fun we have gathered a troop of incredibly talented personal trainers which work alongside us to form a team ready to take on the obstacle course in 6 weeks time. The aim of the game is to get through the obstacle course as fast as possible, but with many of these team assault courses its as much about teamwork as it is about winning. Of course we still want to win! So we will be putting our best foot forward over the next few weeks to make sure we have a fighting chance. Now this is not as serious as tough mudder and we are definatly not pretending it is, but sometimes you just have to have some fun!

We intend to…

  • Exercise obviously beforehand, that’s what personal trainers do.
  • Eat, Eat, Eat energy will be a must… Any excuse to eat pasta the day before!
  • Never leave a man behind, teamwork makes the dreamwork.
  • Possibly carry the marketing officer Hannah, because she is really short and might not make it over some of the hurdles.
  • Run like we are being chased by a herd of Elephants.
  • Smile as much as possible!

Like Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory we have two golden tickets left remaining, If you would like to join PT Workspace in our crazy excursion on Sunday 9th Of September please contact Nathank@localhost. 


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

Business personal trainer personal training

Fitness Apps

The Best Fitness Apps to Enhance your Workout…

Fitness apps are by no means a new concept when it comes to exercise, however navigating the sea of fitness apps now avaliable to you can be somewhat confusing, so we have narrowed down popular fitness apps which can help track, train, and enhance your workout.

Running App


The Nike run app is fantastic for cardio and has established itself in the running industry, with great personalised training plan tailored to meet your goals and fitness level. Whilst reminding you daily of your run schedule and showcasing fitness milestones along the way.

Free, App Store and Google Play,

Running App Tracker

Map My Run

Map My Run uses your phone’s GPS to track exactly where you’ve run, how far, how fast and stores it all up and presents it to you in an easy-to-understand way. What more could you want?

Free, App Store and Google

Cycle App


One of the most popular GPS cycling apps on the market, functions include being able to keep track your ride stats such as speed, distance and time. Whilst showing you exactly where you have been, you can share this information with a huge community of users, congratulate others on their efforts, and ask for advice.

Free, pro £5.99 monthly, App Store and Google Play,

Counting Calorie App


There is very little room for cheating with My Fitness pal with the comprehensive database of food avaliable to log, it has never been so easy to calculate a meal. Making it the simple to keep track of calories and macros throughout your day.

Free, pro £7.99 monthly, App Store and Google Play,

Strength Training App

Stronglifts 5×5 

Stronglift is wonderful in its simplicity to help build strength and muscle. It breaks down exactly what exercises to do, including the amount of reps, sets and weight, and makes it easy to measure your progress over time. BOOM!

Free, £9.99 for Power Pack, App Store and Google Play,

Comprehensive Strength Training


For those committed to the weights room Gymaholic offers a more comprehensive in depth plan for your workout. Allowing you to browse their library of exercises and build a custom routine.

Free, pro £4.99, App

Swimming App


SwimIO is perfect for passionate swimmers allowing you to set goals whilst the app helps you achieve them. You can find local swimming pools in your area and join challenges to compete with others who are as passionate about swimming. As well as the being able to track and analyse your progress to help keep you reaching your milestones.

Free, App


Fitness Apps allow us to face facts and in doing so you can keep up-to-date with where you are excelling and where improvements can be made on your fitness journey. We hope you find some of these apps helpful within your training.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

personal trainer personal training PT Workspace

Are You Losing Clients?

Are You Losing Clients?

Its is a simple enough questions and one which could leave you feeling deflated when you are still giving 100%. Every personal trainer goes through the motions of losing clients, certain times of year can be more prone to seeing a drop off in clientele than other months. Such as summer when many clients go away on holiday or during the winter months when clients can lose motivation. PT Workspace studio manager Nathan has some tips to help build your clientele back up again, so you can restore some of that confidence in the job you love.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us & utilise our marketing support

Fitness personal trainer personal training PT Workspace

On Your Bike – Recovery Phase

In our first blog called ‘On Your Bike’ we explored the break down of the ‘Power phase’ which is the first half of the motion of pedalling which utilizes the hip extensors (gluteus maximus muscle). This post will be focusing on the second phase called ‘Recovery’ which focuses on the Ankle Dorsiflexors, Knee flexors and Hip flexors. In doing so we have put together a workout video which maximises the ‘Recovery phase’ to go alongside the ‘Power phase’ in last weeks blog post.

The Recovery phase workout is broken down into 3 key exercises.

Front Squat
Deadlift Trap Bar
Hamstring Curl Swiss Ball

To find out how to implement this workout into your routine, watch our short video below.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

Uncategorized General personal training

On Your Bike!

On Your Bike!..

Summer is here and so is the lycra! London is a city of passionate cyclists and after this year’s successful Tour de France, we thought what better time to give you some top tips for training those legs to help reach your cycling goals. Whether it is to make your journey to work more pleasant on your body, or you have a big challenge you are working towards, then have a quick look at our short videos broken up into two posts to make sure you are developing the right muscles to help build strength and stamina like an athlete.

To start you need to understand a little anatomy (don’t worry we will keep it simple) of the muscles which are worked when you cycle. The motion of pedaling can be broken up into two sections, the Power Phase and the Recovery Phase. The Power Phase is where you pedal down towards the ground with the leg almost full extended (12-6 O’clock) and the Recovery Phase is lifting back up towards the bike again (6-12 O’clock) diagram below alongside a more in-depth explanation.

  1. From the top of the pedal stroke, a cyclist utilizes their hip extensors (gluteus maximus muscle) which initiates the Power Phase of the pedal stroke until point at 3 on a clock face
  2. From the point of 3 to 5 on the clock face the knee extensors activate: vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. Many cyclists associate this point with generating the most force for their pedal stroke; this is particularly prominent while climbing out of the saddle on steep gradients.
  3. From positions 5 to 6, plantar flexion occurs, thanks to the gastrocnemius which causes the toes to point outwards.

Diagram and bullet points via Author Liam Hallan 

In the video below we are helping to target Hip Extensors, Knee Extensors & Ankle plantar Flexors (Power Phase)

In the next video we will be exploring exercises which can improve the Recover Phase. Combine both workouts to receive maximum results from exercises.



P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us


Healthy Food Business Venture Opportunity

Healthy Food Business Venture Opportunity…

2018 has been an incredibly exciting year for PT Workspace having gone from strength to strength at our private personal training studio in Islington, which we launched in 2016. So naturally we want to bring luxury affordable studio hire to personal trainers all across London, as well as attainable fitness for those looking for a personal trainer. With our eyes firmly on the prize, the next step is a new studio and we feel confident with the location we have found in Farringdon, close to central & Exmouth Market with great transport links.

We love what we do and the sense of community we are building at PT Workspace, which is why we would like to offer the right individual/ individuals the opportunity to join us in this exciting venture. The space we will be leasing will be big enough for the right business to open their very own healthy food venture above our studio, meaning you will be able to offer your wonderful products to the independent trainers and clients which come through our doors.

If opening up or expanding your very own health food business is the next step in your career, than we would love to talk with you! Of course we ask that your product is inline with the health/fitness industry which PT Workspace is aligned with.

Contact us on Nathank@localhost or 020 3411 1143

P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us /ptworkspace/trainers/.

PT Workspace FC Fitness PT Workspace

PT Workspace FC

PT Workspace Football Club…

There is nothing  quite like getting together with an awesome group of individuals and blowing off some steam on the football pitch. Whatever week you’ve had up until this point, is left at the side of the pitch before the whistle goes and the excitement begins. Specially with the World Cup now in motion, it could not be a more inspiring time to get outside in the late evening sun and break a sweat.


We recently created PT Workspace FC to carry forward a sense of community which we are trying to build here at the PT Workspace personal training studio. Whether you are a personal trainer, client working with one of the talented trainers at PT Workspace, or a neighbour of the studio, then we invite you to join our football team and enjoy having a kick around on a Wednesday evening with us. Each week we have a match against other local businesses in the area, so it’s a great way to meet new people too! Whilst there is an element of competitiveness, the aim of the game is to have fun more than anything else.

Wednesday Evening 

11 aside 

£10 each game

35mins each half

Market road not far from Caledonian Road tube station

If you would like to join the PT Workspace community and football team email Nathand@localhost

P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

personal trainer Fitness personal training PT Workspace

Summer Time at PT Workspace

Summer Time at PT Workspace

This summer we have had great fun renovating the front entrance of PT Workspace, into a user friendly space for personal trainers and clients to utilise. When the sun has everyone smiling, we know that you want to feel those rays too, so we have given you the best of both worlds! Sunshine outside or a cool personal training space on the inside! Although we anticipated a good reception to the newly laid astro turf, it has been amazing to watch the personal trainers we work with making the most out of the additional equipment too! From Boxing bags to sledges we have your summer covered!

Take a sneak peek around PT Workspace…

Below the studio manger Nathan has put together a short video, showing you how many sets could be done with just the a tyre alone! Including a random interval from the next door neighbour.

See if you can add one set to your summer routine…

P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

personal training Fitness personal trainer PT Workspace

Justin ST Paul’s Top Tips for Summer

Justin ST Paul’s Top Tips for Summer

PT Workspace has recently had the pleasure of welcoming WBFF pro & personal trainer Justin St Paul alongside 1st Man London to our personal training studio, to share with you some of his top tips for Summer. As an athlete and PT, Justin has compiled some essential exercises to help burn fat and build muscle on those all important areas, which have you feeling a little self-conscious so you can face the summer with confidence.

Check out the video below and see if you could add one or more of these exercises to your workout routine.



P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

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