On Your Bike – Recovery Phase

July 9, 2018by Hannah

In our first blog called ‘On Your Bike’ we explored the break down of the ‘Power phase’ which is the first half of the motion of pedalling which utilizes the hip extensors (gluteus maximus muscle). This post will be focusing on the second phase called ‘Recovery’ which focuses on the Ankle Dorsiflexors, Knee flexors and Hip flexors. In doing so we have put together a workout video which maximises the ‘Recovery phase’ to go alongside the ‘Power phase’ in last weeks blog post.

The Recovery phase workout is broken down into 3 key exercises.

Front Squat
Deadlift Trap Bar
Hamstring Curl Swiss Ball

To find out how to implement this workout into your routine, watch our short video below.



P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact info@ptwporkspace.co.uk. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us https://projects.codeartssolution.in/ptworkspace/trainers/.